A federal firearms license is issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Whether you intend to own a firearm, wish to manufacture firearms, ammunition or explosives or simply want to collect a few relics or unique firearms, everyone would require a federal firearms license to be able to do so, legally. Laws vary between states and the exact statutes and requisites would depend on the state laws. However, there are some general prerequisites that are applicable if you were to apply for a federal firearms license http://nmt-inc.com/federalfirearmslicense/ in the United States. Read more
federal firearms license
Author Archives: admin
Using gun cabinets to display your firearms
The first thing that is at the center of the concern here is safety first. This is especially true if children live in or visit your home. Your guns should be kept safely out of reach and locked away for optimal safety.
You can get anything from gun safes to gun cabinets. Most collectors like to display their goodies though. Glass is an option, but with kids or bad areas this is not as secure as a safe would be. For the ultimate protection you want to prevent access. Exposure or using gun cabinets to display your firearms should be avoided in these cases. Read more
My Take On The SCOTUS’s Anti-Gun Obamacare Ruling

My Take On The SCOTUS’s Anti-Gun Obamacare Ruling

Montana Shooting Sports Association Read more