Within 24 hours of Seminole County, Fla., Judge Kenneth Lester issuing a stern order allowing George Zimmerman, the defendant in the Trayvon Martin murder case, to post a $1 million bond, the volunteer neighborhood watchman received over $25,000 in donations, bringing his defense war chest to nearly… Read more
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Category Archives: News
Disbarred Debt Settlement Attorney Charged With Selling Illegal Machine Guns
In case anyone wants to know what apparently happens with former debt settlement attorneys that get caught for doing bad things, Richard Brennan, can be the poster child. Brennan who has been in the debt relief industry for a while, and worked for both nonprofit credit counseling groups and his own… Read more
Senior Citizen Shoots Armed Robbers at Internet Cafe
GunsAndAmmo ran a really interresting snippet the other day;
On Friday, July 13, 71-year-old Samuel Williams was at the Palms Internet Café in Marion County, Fla., with his wife. Williams, a concealed carry permit holder, was armed with a .380 pistol. Read more