Introducing the Saiga Talon Tactical Stock by ATI® wrote about this awesome piece of equipment, I don’t know about you, but I want one 🙂

Milwaukee, WI- Advanced Technology International® (ATI), the leading manufacturer in gun stocks and firearm accessories introduces the Saiga Talon Tactical Stock with Scorpion Recoil System for 2012. Read more

How to Get a Class 3 License

Many people may wonder how to get a class 3 license. Due to the National Firearms Act, any weapons that are classified as Title II firearms must be taxed and registered, as well as closely monitored thereafter. Title II firearms include grenades, poison gas, bombs, silencers, shotguns, machine guns and short-barreled rifles, as well as other guns that can be easily concealed. To deal them or manufacture them, you must have a Federal Firearms License with a Class 3 tax distinction, or simply known as a Class 3 license. It can be tough to finance the application, but the process itself is generally straightforward. Websites like can help you get your ffl license. Read more

Have You Been Wondering, How do you get a FFL

ffl license, federal firearms license

Are you interested in finding solid answers to your queries about getting a FFL license but arent sure where to start? Its hard to say what the future will bring when it comes to new laws concerning gun control. So what can you do about it?

Become a Federal Firearm License holder right now, before Washington takes more of those rights away. This article gives a brief explanation of the benefits of having a Federal Firearm License and provides the easiest answer to the question of how do you get a FLL license? Read more