Local Gun Shop vs. The Mart

Source : http://www.survivalistboards.com

I live in a smaller city with only a handful of local gun shops. Most have virtually no inventory. One I will never step foot in again (*). The larger shop that is well staffed, good inventory and year round range has frustrated me a couple of times. Wondering if it is common for local gun shops or just the way they choose to do business.

Was in a week ago shopping for a 22. They had a Ruger 10/22 Takedown in stock and I spent some time looking at it as well as a few other 22’s they had in stock. Left to do some research online and went back a few days later after I made my decision to buy it. The 10/22 they had in stock was sold, they did not know when they would get another one in. I asked if they could call me when another arrived at their store so I could come in and buy it. Their response was they do not know when it is coming in and I should just call to see if they have any in stock. No interest in taking my name and number to call me for what was basically a guaranteed sale. Read more

Behind the Scenes at Colt: Making the Nation’s Favorite Rifle

Article Source: http://www.gunsandammo.com

This past week saw a gaggle of gunwriters traipse through the hallowed halls of Colt’s plant in Hartford, Conn. I managed to sneak in at the end of the line and thought you guys might like to take a look at what goes into making the nation’s favorite rifle. Read more

Bloomberg Predicts NYC Riots; How Do People Defend Themselves, CCRKBA Asks

Bloomberg Predicts NYC Riots; How Do People Defend Themselves, CCRKBA Asks (via redOrbit)

BELLEVUE, Wash., Sept. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Friday warning that there could be riots in the streets if something isn’t done quickly to produce jobs and get the economy moving leaves an important question: How do people defend themselves under the… Read more